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Phone: (306) 631-0732
950 Fairford st. W #1
Moose Jaw, SK
S6H 1W7
Monday – Friday: 8am – 4pm
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Spring is one of the first signs it is time to schedule roof maintenance for your home. It can be difficult to know where to start. Follow these three tips:
1. Clean Out Eavestroughs
One of the first things you’ll want to do is clean any leaves and debris out of the Eavestroughs. Leaves and debris can block the downspouts and even cause damage to your roof and siding if the eaves are not able to drain. A professional contractor can help you safely and correctly clean out the Eavestroughs.
2. Check the Roof
Once debris has been removed, it is time to check the roof. If anything is loose, broken, curling or cracked, you can contact a contractor to fix or replace. It’s also a good idea to look for anything that looks out of place. If there is too much damage, it may be time to install a new roof with the help of a roofing contractor.
3. Look for Damage
Lastly, it’s important to look for signs of water damage. These signs can be in the home as well as outside the home. If you do notice a leak or any form of water damage, take action right away to prevent further problems from occurring. If you suspect water damage, contact a roofing contractor.
Spring is the perfect time for checking your roof’s condition and maintenance. Most inspections include preventative measures that will help increase the longevity of your roof. If you are worried about roofing maintenance, call the pros. from Advanced Roofing Ltd. to take care of your roof. Give us a call today at 306 972 7663